Age (month)Food TypeOral DevelopmentNeuromotor Development
0-6Breast milkTongue extrusion and tongue retractionSucking and searching reflexes are intact.
Head control is improving.
6-7Soft mashed foods ​Liquid foodsPassively takes from the spoon, moves food from the front of the tongue to the pharynxGrabs objects with both hands and has developed head control.
Sits with support.
7-8Pureed foods (lumpy)Chewing movements begin, and they can drink from the cup.Transfers the object from one hand to the other.
Sits without support.
8-12Foods mashed with a fork into a puree consistency.Rotates the bite in the mouth with movements of the tongue in both directions.Can use the thumb and the index finger.
Head and shoulder control is complete.
Can bring the food to their mouth
12-18All easy-to-chew foodsChewing and tongue movementsWalks.
Can feed herself/himself.
Reference: Topal, S., Çınar, N., & Altınkaynak, S. (2016). Süt çocukluğu döneminde beslenme. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi6(1), 63-70.

Babies can safely chew and swallow complementary foods at 6 months when such foods are given in the form of a puree using a spoon.1

Foods should not be given in puree consistency for extended periods. Infants should be eating semi-solid foods by eight to ten months. Babies should be able to drink from a glass at 12 months.1

Since babies’ hand skills develop around 9-12 months, the baby’s participation in feeding should be supported and self-feeding should be encouraged from this period on.2


  1. Pekcan, A. G. (2018). Tamamlayıcı Beslenme: Avrupa Pediatrik Gastroenteroloji, Hepatoloji ve Beslenme (ESPHGAN) Birliği Komitesi Görüş Raporu. Beslenme ve Diyet Dergisi46(1), 1-6.
  2. Yazıcı, B. (2018). Tamamlayıcı Beslenme. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi10(1), 7-16.